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When to Hire a Columbus Property Manager

When to Hire a Columbus Property Manager

Handling your Columbus property by yourself can be a challenging job. Many investors often believe that they can easily handle all property-related tasks because they are highly interested in taking them up. However, enthusiasm is not an adequate substitute for experience and expertise.

If you have been on the fence about whether or not you should hire a property manager for your Columbus property, we can help you find out. Here’s how.

If You Have a Portfolio of Properties

With multiple properties come multiple responsibilities. Handling these can become even more stressful if you own different types of units at different locations. This is when you should hire professionals like property managers in Columbus, GA. They are skilled at supervising multiple properties for a single owner. They have the expertise and resources to handle the finances, take care of its lease or sale, and oversee the maintenance for each one of them.  

You Cannot Dedicate Enough Time for Managing the Rental.

Property management demands a great deal of time. You need to multitask while ensuring the habitability of the house, advertising it, finding good tenants, visiting the unit regularly for inspections, collecting rents, and handling the maintenance. Not dedicating enough time and attention to these activities can cause you to lose revenue. If you find it difficult to give time to these tasks, we recommend hiring a Columbus property manager.

You Are Not Well-Versed with Housing Laws

If staying updated regarding housing laws is not your cup of tea, you should hire a property manager. They will help you keep up with the amendments to important rules and regulations such as the Implied Warranty of Habitability, Fair Housing Laws, Georgia Landlord-Tenant Laws, and their impact. This will prevent you from accidentally discriminating against potential tenants and save you from expensive lawsuits.

Your Columbus Property Is Vacant on Most Days

If your rental is facing long-term vacancies, it is a sign that you must let a professional handle it. Columbus is a competitive rental real estate market and you need to stay ahead of the competition if you want to get your property rented fast.

Property managers make an effort to promote the appeal of your unit, advertise it strategically, make it rent-ready, and find quality tenants. A trusted company like Bickerstaff Parham Property Management can even turn over properties in the short span of 2-3 weeks. 

You Travel Frequently or Intend to Relocate

If you are someone who is constantly on the go for work, it may be challenging for you to take care of upkeep, inspections, and overall property management. Hiring a responsible property manager to handle your Columbus asset can be a wise decision in such situations. 

You Are Reluctant to Become A Landlord

At Bickerstaff Parham Property Management, we have many owner clients for whom we manage properties and help maximize their profits even when they are not actively involved. Similarly, if you don’t wish to get into the business, you could very well still earn profits through the investment by associating with a property management company. Managers will do all the necessary tasks like generating profit and loss statements, doing rental analysis, and budgeting to make the process as easy as possible for you.

Consult a trusted company like Bickerstaff Parham Property Management. Associating with us can reduce your stress of handling the Columbus property and optimizing income through it.

For more information on hiring a property manager in Columbus, talk to one of our expert agents today.
